Fake news and unlawfully copied content are among the issues publishers face today. Learn more about how WordProof Timestamp tackles those issues.

Benefits of WordProof Timestamp
WordProof Timestamp works on every WordPress website.
Automatic protection of content
WordProof automatically adds the unique fingerprint of content to the blockchain. Publishers receive documents that allow them to take actions against copycats. In addition, uploaded media files are tracked; publishers receive a notification when the files show up elsewhere on the internet.

Fight fake news with transparent journalism
Connect an identity to online content to set the standard in the fight against fake news. All timestamped content is enhanced with the Blockchain Certificate pop-up. Readers can verify when it was published, what edits were made at which points in time, and who published the article. The Time Machine shows how the content developed over time, increasing transparency in journalism.
Automatically track copyright infringements
WordProof searches the web for the images you timestamp. As soon as we find your image, you receive a notification with information about the infringement. You can then take action against copycats, or decide otherwise.