How Blom & Blom uses WordProof Timestamp to protect creative work

Creative design is a delicate process that takes valuable time. Carefully crafted concepts come to life in the Blom & Blom workshop, but also in the workshops of less creative copycats. Read this case study to find out how WordProof Timestamp has helped Blom & Blom to take down copyright violators.

What is Blom & Blom?

Blom & Blom is a creative design studio based in Amsterdam. The brothers Martijn Blom and Kamiel Blom design industrial lights and give used lights a second life.

The store in Amsterdam showcases some of their work, but their industrial lights are featured all over the world. From living rooms to office buildings: Blom & Blom lights are trending.


Blom & Blom has beautiful designs, popular with their customers ánd copycats.

Blom & Blom crafts a new design

After transforming the designs into real lights, professional photos are taken by Kamiel Blom and published online.

The design is copied by another store

Soon after, Blom & Blom finds their photos on a marketplace in another country. Blom & Blom were not credited.

Taking down copies is expensive

The legal process that follows is expensive. It is difficult to prove who is the rightful owner of the concepts and photos.


For less than one hour worth of attorney fees, WordProof Timestamp has protected hundreds of Blom & Blom designs with blockchain.

Proof of Ownership

Blom & Blom now has a blockchain certificate for each design, proving ownership at different points in time. This makes it easier to prove they were first and makes it more difficult for copycats to say otherwise.

Copyright Infringement Letter

Blom & Blom sends the WordProof Copyright Infringement Letter along with the downloadable blockchain certificate when content is copied by a third party. The letter is made by lawyers and can be custom generated.

Cost-effective Protection

It is too expensive to protect every concept with endless technical and legal documents through lawyers and notaries. WordProof Timestamp replaces this process with blockchain, greatly cutting the costs.

WordProof has greatly improved our success rate in taking down copyright violators.

Martijn Blom
Co-Founder at Blom & Blom

WordProof Timestamp as a legal weapon: Blom & Blom vs. Copyright Violators

Shortly after timestamping all their designs with WordProof Timestamp, Blom & Blom found photos of one of their products on a German Marketplace. They generated the WordProof Copyright Infringement Letter and sent it along with the Blockchain Certificate of the design. The copycat didn’t take any chances and took the photos offline.

Legally, blockchain timestamps can deliver indisputable proof of ownership at certain points in time.

Arjen Schram
Lawyer specialised in intellectual property law


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