Get Involved

The web has a deep-rooted problem: trust. Together, we can bring integrity to the web. The solution is in education, combined with the right tools. All stakeholders are important: businesses and platforms should improve their transparency, but also the other way around: readers and buyers should demand transparency.

Get involved today, in the WordProof Timestamp movement and let’s fix the broken web, together.

Beyond joining the conversation at Telegram, LinkedIn and Twitter, there are many ways to get involved with WordProof.

Ready to participate? Here’s how!

Present at a WordPress Meetup

All around the world, there are over a thousand different WordPress meetups and over a hundred WordCamps organized. More than 750,000 people are interested in WordPress Meetups. If you want to give a presentation or workshop on WordProof, reach out to us. We, the WordProof community, are happy to provide you with videos, slides, and any form of support you need!

Meetups have been done in the U.S. and Europe yet by community members. The more, the better!

Develop with us

Our plugins, standards, and several other tools are open-source. Find them on GitHub, study them, submit issues, feature requests and pull requests. We are happy to work with you, as we did with many others in our community before!

For Agencies

Are you an agency or community? Spread the word of agency and integrity. Together, we work on a safer, more trustworthy web. The key is in education; for your team, so they can facilitate their partners and customers! Stamp your content, save the web.

Translate WordProof

WordProof is available in more than five languages already. To be truly Inclusive, the job is only done when we have all languages. Translate the WordProof plugins to your local languages in half an hour!

Follow WordProof on Twitter and LinkedIn, join the community on Telegram or reach out via email anytime. We’re happy to work with you!