Blockchain software publisher today announced that it has awarded WordProof with a grant to promote global entrepreneurship and the growth of the open-source community using the EOSIO protocol.
“We believe that nurturing up-and-coming projects that are still in the early stages of collaboration is a powerful way to foster the grassroots proliferation of blockchain technology,” said Brendan Blumer, Block.One CEO.
“Our mission is to empower internet users and content creators to build a safer and more trustworthy internet. With the support and funding from the EOS VC Grants Program, we can focus on further adoption of our Timestamp Ecosystem through enhancing the UX to make timestamping easier, more accessible, and more valuable through recognition via search engines and social media,” said Sebastiaan van der Lans, Founder of WordProof.
“WordProof represents a powerful toolkit that provides answers to age-old industry problems. By leveraging his expertise and experience with WordPress – the open-source content management software empowering 34.5% of the web – and merging it with EOSIO™ blockchain technology, their tools have the potential to improve the security and accountability of internet content by introducing trusted timestamping for hundreds of millions of users,” said Block.One on their website last August.